Sunday, October 15, 2017

Trump - Iran 

Now that Trump will not ratify the compliance needed for Iran to abide by the Nuclear deal , what will happen ?

This needs to be analyzed carefully . Trump cannot cancel the deal but can impose stricter conditions .
It's a tough one as no one wants Iran to have an Atomic Bomb. Also no one wants North Korea to start launching Missiles either .
What is clear that both regimes are trouble , one sponsors terror internationally and the other other is looking to wipe out South Korea .
Mr Trump needs to show both regimes that any step out of line will be punished severely . The problem is that no regime believes him , therefore saber rattling won't help .

Decisive action will be needed that will put both regimes in their place and warn others . 

The Missile Threat and immigration.

The truth is with extreme regimes playing with the their missiles and wanting to impose their lifestyle on others will not be accepted in the West.

As much as the west is very tolerant of N Korea and Iran their tolerance levels are being tested daily.
The influx of immigrants into Europe has shunted the balance to such a degree, that the backlash and resentment is growing.
Recently, the German intelligence service has highlighted that Hizbollah Terrorists which are in fact Iranian proxies are living and acting in Germany.

These terrorists came in as Refugees or under the cover of refugees. It was clear and apparent that this was to happen and Iran, is exploiting the weakness and soft approach by Europe.

Iran is the world leader in terror and has shown time and again that it does not care what the world thinks of it. Once you have a regime that is hell bent on destruction, and Terror then it must be dealt with now. 

Friday, October 13, 2017

Catalonia- the Euro threat 

With Catalonia wanting independence from Spain, what would happen to the Spanish economy and the effect on the Euro .

Well, to be clear the threat of independence and the impact on the Dpannish economy would be a disaster for financial markets . The reason is because Catalonia splitting from Spain would rock the stability of Spain and cause an exit on all fronts . In addition the uncertainty of where the country post split would be going would add further damage .

What we saw in Geeece in 2014/2015, would be considered a tea party to what would be seen globally for a Catalonian independent state. 


The Euro would collapse and thus have a significant down wind effect on the rest of Europe. Confidence would be lost in Spain and be a major shock to the EU. This would take months for the EU to recover from this and would send the Euro crashing and financial markets to drop significantly. 

The independence call would have the effect of other minnow states looking for independence . The weak countries of the EU would be under further strain to recuperate from this and cause there economies to drift rudderless .


Bond prices in Spain would collapse and the yield would probably exceed 11%. In addition the other Eurobond prices would be shunted downwards with yields reflecting that downward push.


This call for independence by Catalonia is not going away and it's a matter of time before they succeed . Be aware and be prepared as the speed of decent in the markets and the Euro will be very fast .

Friday, September 15, 2017

U.K. Cost of living 

It is clear to everyone that the cost of living has increased and will increase further since Brexit. 

The fall in the pound being the main cause and the driver behind this increase in inflation and the man in the street feeling the household costs are increasing.

The Bank of England has changed its tone recently and has now become more hawkish , which means in simple terms that they will look to increase the bank lending rate . Why? Simply put the Bank of England has seen inflation increase in the last six money he to levels not seen for many years . 


Inflation in the U.K. Is running at 2.9% and the Bank of England's tolerance is being pushed . Rising inflation above the BOE target of 2% puts pressure on the BOE to curb inflation and bring it back down to the target range .

Inflation has moved upwards and will move further due to the weakness of the pound . The UK has become heavily dependant on imports from food, vegetables, technology , chemicals etc that the cost of those goods in pound terms has risen .


What the pound could buy 18 months ago has gone up now by about 27%. The importers and retailers have tried to absorb much of this cost but are simply unable to continue absorbing this extra costs and so , are passing this onto the consumer . This means thatvroices are rinsing , which means the costs of goods is rising and so inflation Rises.

What about the pound £

Well here is the funny thing .

The pound will surely rise and become stronger on the sniff or smell that interest rates may rise in the U.K. . This is due to the pound becoming more attractive as a currency to invest in and the banks will benefit further from a high deposit environment .

As the pound gets stronger then the cost of imports per se flies down and then inflation should weaken. 

This is the theory . 

Let's see.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Hurricane season and September 11.

Is the hurricane season a season or is it becoming more of a regular event . Well, if you were to judge by the stock markets reaction they posted big gains once it hit landfall .


9/11 response 

Is this the case or is it the States demonstration of strength for 9/11 as it was on Monday this week and the markets jumped . The Dow and the other US markets being global leaders and trend setters always want to waive the flag in piece terms and resilience when they have been under attack . 

The horrific events of September 2001 caught everyone by surprise and the sheer horror of that day still rings in my head. The sight of evil in carnage driving death and destruction into the innocent people will never leave me .

Stock markets are highly emotional places and prices are often driven in emotions . The anniversary of September 2001 is a day when the US flag flies high and the USA wants to show all how strong it is and the willingness to fight for life . 

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Meir Velenski- Start ups and Getting finance 

Well, as I am often approached by many start ups that are looking for finance . Most of the start ups either have no funding or have a little funding left over from round one or round 2  that will last them another 3 - 4 months .

The ideas out there are really great and probably one of them will make it big. The problem is that the two factors involved , the money needed and the time needed are a drain on resources . This demands a lot of patience and a very big time investment .

Is the business viable ?

Assuming that you have identified that the business is a good idea and the "go to market " timetable is acceptable. All well and good , but what about the resources as mentioned that are needed.

Looking at the funding requirement , which is normally well short of target as dates by the CEO this is only part of the assessment . Generally, the CEO states a figure that he thinks is needed. This number is usually about only 50% of what is needed over a 18-24 month period .

The other factors involved such as time and planning for the start up are a lot more expensive then the initial funding .Team expertise is called upon to analyse and assess the business case. All of this is cost , time and manpower .

Team work 

It's obvious that the once an idea comes to the table then it's a matter of sourcing the funding and finding the right match . The start up and the investor have to get the foundations right. That means there has to be a natural chemistry between the parties . More often then not the money maybe available , but the parties just don't see eye to eye. 

Unfortunately, this only comes out at a Peter stage once the details of the deal come out and are discussed and often at the Due Diligence stage . I have seen many deals go to advanced discussions and agreements to breakdown at the final stage . 

More often then not , the Angel investors and the first VC, or incubators have a Major say as they also invested thus making it a 5-6 Party negotiating team.

Since there are more then just the host start up and the investor involved things get complicated .

So how do you succeed 

In overcome the above , which are only a few of the hurdles there has to be a clear recognition by the Start Up that there will need to be a lot of give away at the negotiation table . 

To try and get all the parties to agree often at different share prices will need intense and sensitive handling . This is where you will need a person in effect a very good broker that can handle all parties and get them to see eye to eye .

To leave the new investors and the existing investors to negotiate is possible but can cause a little tension and a breaking of the deal .

This is mainly due to the fact that new investors have not need there at the beginning of the Start up thus there emotional attachment is not there . The gap between the two can be bridged , but again needs a good broker to handle the 2 very different positions .


There is little summary here as each case needs to be looked at . Probably , lots of great ideas are falling between the gaps , but that's business . We will look back in time to come and say " Wow, I was presented that idea " when it's sold for hundreds of millions !!!!!


Thursday, June 29, 2017

Meir Velenski - TV interview 

This video is an interview on those brokers that introduce business to FX firms and banks etc.

It appears that the Introducer Broker IB is getting the short straw.

Meir Velenski

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Meir Velenski - where does your money go

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Will the U.K. pound be pounded after the General election.

What will happen in June 9 to the U.K. GBP pound sterling . 

Well if the Tories get in then there will be a strong relief rally, and business as usual.

However, of Labour is to get in which is the most left wing Labour Party in 30 years , then the story will be different . The draconian measures that Jeremy Corbyn has planned will spook the markets.

The FTSE will drop by about 10% over a 6 week period and the pound will also fall against all the major currencies .

Below is an article I wrote for finance feeds today which explains more.

Meir Velenski

Saturday, June 3, 2017

UK Terror- Palestinian Terror and Sky news false reporting .

  • Sky news when reporting on terror decides when and how to manipulate the facts .Meir Velenski

The terrible Terror attack in London and Manchester was reported by Sky news as Terror and in all their reports the Word Terror was used. Innocent people were murdered in cold blood. It's tragic and very very sad . All our hearts go to all those that are injured and wish them a speedy recovery .

News reporting 

Let's take how they deal with Israeli police shooting dead knife wielding terrosits or car ramming . The Israeli police shoot dead the terrorists the British media call it disproportionate!!!!! Yet when the U.K. Or European police shoot dead terroists it's justified !!!

Work that one out ?

Let's look at Terror in Israel 

However , when it comes to Israel , the word Terror is replaced with " armed assailants" "fighters" "claims of a knife attack" " police claim it was a Palestinian car ramming" "suspected attack".

This is to make but a few quotes Why is it when the BBC, ITV and Sky in the U.K. Report in Terror in Israel it's always greyed over, with the word suspected but in Europe and the U.K. It's always clearly Terror fact.


The media in the U.K. JustIfies all Terror in Israel by calling it attack on settlers ? What settlers? Tel Aviv , Jerusalem ? Settlers????

Is it possible that the Media tilt the news according to their own personal views. Of course it is, and this is exactly what's happening . The media and let's talk about the UK media is not willing to accept Palestinian murderous Terror as Terror . They see it as well , you can understand their frustration !!!!!!

The British media is warped and needs to take a long look at itself and admit once and for all they do not tell the news they bend it .

Meir Velenski

Labour and the Pound 

With the upcoming U.K. Elections next week in the 8 June there is a serious chance that Jeremy Corbyn will become the next U.K. Prime minister .

With that possibility let's look at the effect on the U.K. Economy . Well the first thing that will happen is that the pound sterling will fall about 15-20% as a starter and from there try to find a floor.

After the collapse of the pound then the rating agencies like Moody's and S&P will pile in and downgrade the credit worthiness of the U.K. From AAA probably to A+.

This will mean it will be more expensive for the U.K. to borrow money on the international markets. The borrowing will cost more . All of this is before Jeremy Corbyn spends his billions on give always like healthy, education and wage rises .

Check this out Meir velenski

Monday, May 22, 2017

UK terror - tragedy 

What a tragedy . To wake up to the news that 19 innocent people have been murdered and 59 injured by a suspected Terrorist.

All terrorists want to do exactly that I still terror and therefore change your way of life . If this is a Moslem attack at dissent we don't k know then it's another step in the direction of a clash of East V West.

I cannot comment more as I don't know if in fact it is another Moslem attack . However , whether it is or not how will the U.K. And western democracies cope .

In order to fight an enemy you need to identify the enemy and then put a plan in place.

Let's see what happens.

In the meantime our hearts go out to all those families who have been hurt or have lost a loved one.

Meir Velenski

Meir Velenski Speaks about Manchester Terror

Meir Velenski Speaks about the terror attack in Manchester - 23/5/2017.

More About Meir:
Meir Velenski on weebly
Meir Velenski on

Donald Trump in Israel 

Here are the Hells Angels in Tel Aviv welcoming the US preseident .

You see the fact that Mr Trump first went to Saudi Arabia shows how he sees the commercial relationship. He knows hay the visit has produced $119bn of trade. This trade was probably agreed some time ago, however it was waiting for him to sign the agreement .

If you notice also the pomp and ceremony that they put in to honour Mr Trump was in contrast to the the non existent ceremony for Mr Barak Obama.

Also if you notice , Mrs Trump did not have to cover her hair. This actually is in contrast to Mrs Obama and Hilary Clinton .

The US president has stated in his opening speech to the Saudis how they need to " drive out" Islamic fundamentalists.

In addition , by the fist Lady not wearing a head covering he has shown that he respects but also who is boss. The Saudis took note and their was no offence taken .

Meir Velenski

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Queens birthday - Israel 

Here we are in Israel at the UK ambassadors residence celebrating Queen Elizabeth's 2 birthday.

The event was sponsored by Fibonatix Payment solutions who deliver all on line and off line payment solutions . It is a UK and Israel company that works globally . Their systems are second to none and allow all types of online payments , thus allowing the merchant to increase his sales.

It was a lovely evening with many dignatories present from all over the world.

Meir Velenski

Sunday, May 14, 2017

How to get money for start ups 

It's fine having an idea and developing breakthrough technology . Most start ups have not found the entrance but are already seeking the EXIT

Without good quality input and business sense with strong finance the chance of success is small.Meir Velankin

Saturday, May 13, 2017

Monday, May 8, 2017

Growth in the US

I read this report and I though it would be good to share it.

In my opinion , the US is about to enter a major growth spurt and probably be the best year in a decade. All engines re pumping and they have heart full employment .

With the loosening of the government ties and restrictions then this will just fire them up even more.

Here is what I read:

After a miserable first quarter when it comes to GDP growth, Bank of America Merrill Lynch is forecasting growth will pick up sharply in the second quarter, expanding by 3.0% annualized, according to their latest U.S. Economic Weekly report. This is up from their previous forecast of 2.3%, though they are keeping their projection for 2.1% full-year growth in 2017 unchanged. The first quarter saw an unexpectedly weak 0.7% GDP growth rate.

Consumer Spending Surge

Merrill Lynch economists expect businesses to build up inventories in the second quarter, after partially drawing them down in the first quarter, and for exports to be boosted by a weakening dollar. Auto sales declined in the first quarter after hitting a cyclical high in the fourth. Meanwhile, outlays on home heating and winter clothing were dampened by a mild winter in many locales. While auto sales remain a risk, Merrill Lynch expects an overall rebound in consumer spending during the second quarter.

"The backdrop is generally favorable for consumers with an unemployment rate of 4.4%, gradually improving wage pressures, low borrowing costs and high household wealth," Merrill Lynch economists said in their report.

Read more: Start Your Engines: Why GDP Will Fire Up in Q2 | Investopedia 

Meir velenski

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Start ups Israel 

Israel is one of the leading places for Start ups . We specialise in identifying good investment opportunities.

Israel is bucking the trend when it comes to economic growth . The country has grown significantly in the last 10 years. The currency is one of the strongest in the world , full employment , low inflation and property prices going up.

In addition it has the second highest IQ pro rata second to Finland.

The are that has captured everyone's attention in the last few years has been the Hi Tech and Fintech sectors . Israel is a world leader in technology and has developed some of the worlds leading products or components .

Many new companies are developing with some very interesting ideas. What is clear that not all will get the traction or the funding they need.

In order to do that they need to approach professional companies or industry experts to help them achieve the Tech goal.

Meir Velenski

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Trump to visit Israel 

President Trump is to visit Israel as the first country outside of the US as president of the US.

What is the reason and what is he looking to gain from this visit. 

Meir velenski will be following this closely to see if there will be any effects on the region .

Meir Velenski

Start ups

The craze these days are start ups and then looking for a big exit.

When looking for start up finance then Meir Velenski is the market expert at attracting , assessing and advising start ups .
In addition those investors looking to invest in start ups need to be assured that they are not wasting their money.

Israel is one of the hotbeds of start ups leading the way in innovative technology , which is then part of the everyday tools we use.

Take any smartphone and that phone is full of Israeli technology .
More to follow .

Will Trump close the borders 

Will Donald Trump be successful in closing the borders , and what effect will this have on the US and global economy .

Meir Velenski

New fintech expo in Jerusalem 

Israel being the leader in Fintech and Hi Tech will be hosting a major expo soon in Jerusalem .

Meir velenski works with Fintech and is an expert at identifying new markets .

Meir Velenski

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Start ups 

All start ups need advice and all new investors need to find good start ups or the next Waze, Viber or Mobile eye.

Start ups

Meir VelenskiThe craze these days are start ups and then looking for a big exit.

When looking for start up finance then Meir Velenski is the market expert at attracting , assessing and advising start ups . 

In addition those investors looking to invest in start ups need to be assured that they are not wasting their money .

Israel is one of the hotbeds of start ups leading the way in innovative technology , which is then part of the everyday tools we use.

Take any smartphone and that phone is full of Israeli technology .

More to follow .

Meir Velenski

Market info

You need experience in these 


Meir velenski

Brexit costs 100bn

Today the cost of Brexit are going to be €100bn. There is no way the U.K. Government will agree to pay this amount . How will this effect the new relationship that needs to be developed .Meir velenski

Market affairs 

Look at this report in markets 

Meir velenski

Unesco Jerusalem 

Has the Unesco vote that Jerusalem is not Jewish really whom how low and ignorant Unesco can be. By denying the facts and repeating lies is the worst type of propoganda and in this case antisenitism at its worst .Meir velenski

Effect on markets 

Effect on markets

North Korea

If in fact the meeting between Donald Trump and Kim Jong of North Korea were to develop , what would be the economic impact of North Korea coming in from the cold .

Saturday, January 28, 2017


By Meir Velenski

Stock market is definitely a thing which usually can be considered really difficult from most of

the people. It requires a lot of effort for people to realize just exactly what is definitely

happening on this market and don't are able to understand the general trends so simply.

Studying the actual stock markets is becoming quite simple these days with the appearance

of the online stock trading courses. Now it's easy for everybody to sign up by themselves

into on-line stock trading courses and discover the hardest techniques. In case you are

unfamiliar with this kind of area and also have recently began then you may be interested in

taking the stock market trading courses which will be definitely ideal for you to be able to

understand all the things concerning the stock market.

It is a good way of understanding brand new and also very difficult ideas because these

lessons have been developed specifically for much better education for new people in this

specific area. These kinds of programs are usually taught in ways which are most efficient

for starters as well as beginners. You'll be able to increase your knowledge about trading

stocks in a very good way and will easily turn into a specialist immediately. The stock trading

courses instructs about the easier ways which tend to be utilized for increasing the abilities

of individuals by giving them total instruction sessions. As these people are starters training

courses will be complete to guide them about the following steps that they will follow in order

to be able to turn into a qualified for the area.

This online course for starters has become definitely popular in individuals because the

vocabularies of training are really easy and the terminology used is easier to comprehend.

Individuals don't have to get assist by any kind of additional source because these types of

trainings tend to be sufficient in order to explain to you almost everything concerning the

stock trade. The stock trade program becomes really simple and also you would certainly

appreciate knowing about this kind of topic as you'd have no problem in being able to access

the programs and courses.

Understanding finances is not necessarily that simple and also can be many times really

monotonous too. The topic can be considered for you to be very dry as well as difficult at the

same moment. However using the online stock trading courses won't continue being the

same thing. Nowadays everyone is able to learn easily about finance and also can easily

become a specialist in the area.

More about Meir Velenski...


By Meir Velenski

When you are seeking debt advice, you will hear lots of different stories. Everyone will have

their own quick fix for your debt woes. You will hear stories from people about how they had

all their problems erased by filing bankruptcy. They will tell you that they went from owing

lots of debt to having no debt at all.

One thing these people do not tell you, however, is that filing bankruptcy will bring

unexpected consequences to your life. For example, you may not be able to keep your

home. If you own a business, it may have to be closed too. You could have to inform

potential employers that have filed for bankruptcy. Some of these companies may not hire

you due to this.

Other people might tell you how they tried to negotiate with their credit companies or the

companies that hold their loans. They might tell you that these companies are not able to be

negotiated with. With a professional credit counsellor at your side, however, many credit

companies are willing to negotiate with their customers. Indeed, many of these credit

companies are willing to offer very attractive options in order to help their customers to get

back on their financial feet.

Debt advice is really quite straight forward. There are no easy and quick fixes, though. It will

take time for a credit counsellor to gather the facts about your finances from you. You will

then be presented with choices that the credit counsellor suggests could be in your best

interest based on their vast wealth of knowledge. In addition, the credit counsellor will

answer any of your questions regarding the options available to you.

You don't have to be alone in the debt process. A professional credit counsellor could be

there with you every step of the way in order to ensure that you understand what is

happening. The credit counsellor will try to negotiate the lowest possible monthly payment

from your creditors for you. This is so you have more money in your pocket each month.

Having more money will help you get to the end of each month before you get to the end of

your money. Help also requires a change in lifestyle and the combination could help you get

closer to financial freedom.

It is important to make sure that you are taking debt advice from a professional who is

trained in financial matters. This will help to ensure you are given the correct information

from the most up to date sources. Professional credit counsellors must stay abreast of the

latest news and developments so they are able to help consumers.

More about Meir Velenski...

Sunday, January 22, 2017